Let's take a walk:
here was the church,
here was the bridge,
here was the tavern,
as fine a roadas you could walkon any other day
Rest your head
here in this meadow,
each leaf and flower
once was a soldier
as fine a manas you could meeton any other day
Come Judgment Day,how many soulswill stand up in this meadowrise up into the airand straight into the sun?Come Judgment Day,how many soulswill walk out of this riverrise up into the skyand burn gold in the sun?
The names they call
these places now
could never say
what happened here
Here in this place,
a crumbled church,
a broken bridge,
a burning tavern,
at the meetingof two dirt roads
as fine a road
as you could walk
on any other day
you might have met
your oldest friend
come the other way
at the meetingof two dirt roads
Come Judgment Day,how many soulswill stand up in this meadowrise up into the airand straight into the sun?Come Judgment Day,how many soulswill walk out of this riverrise up into the airand burn gold in the sun?Come Judgment Day,how many soulswill stand and stareat the meeting of two dirt roads?how many soulswill stand and stareat the meeting of two dirt roads?
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