Monday 5 November 2018

I had an oracle

[[ It starts with a reductive yammer on life and then switches to a favorite theme of mine, Bede's sparrow. The first half is written in short chunks to be sung line by line, each almost independent of the lines before and after it. Then a shift to longer lines, slower rhythm, and all of it is the reported speech of the oracle. "She said..." ]]

I had an oracle 
tell it to me:
past, present, future --
all she could see.

There wasn't much,
all much the same.
We're all alike.
It's all a game.

I'll live and die,
and, in between,
be a regular guy.
Be a regular guy.

She said 
there was a sparrow
flew in one window
of a great hall,
a feast before a fire.

She said 
there was a sparrow
warm for a moment
in the fire light
and flew across the room.

She said 
there was a sparrow 
there for the moment,
that space of time,
then out another window and gone.

I had an oracle 
tell it to me:
past, present, future --
all she could see.

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