Tuesday 13 November 2018

Lincoln Highway Blues

[[ It started with a quote in an article about the Beatles: "At the time I happened to be driving across the country on Interstate 80; in each city where I stopped for gas or food—Laramie, Ogallala, Moline, South Bend—the melodies wafted in from some far-off transistor radio or portable hi-fi. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard." And there are fires now. And Ulysses and Leda peek in. And I took a Google maps trip down that part of the Lincoln Highway (30, not 80). And other stuff. But it's not about the Beatles or any of that other stuff. It is summer + radio + car + open spaces + America in the vaguest sense ]]

we heard you
coming through the radio
we heard you
humming down the wire
we heard your voice.
between the mountains 
when the mountains 
were on fire

we heard you
rolling through the barrio
we heard you
moaning through the wall 
we caught you 
going down ... 
the river 
where the river 
starts to fall

your voice was everywhere all summer 
they had to tie me to the mast  
and when the fever had passed 
I slept into autumn
I slipped into nothing 
I dreamt I was gotten
by something with wings

we heard you all the way 
from Laramie to Cheyenne
we heard you all the way
from Cheyenne to Ogallala 

I believe I fell asleep in Ogallala
and had an awakening in Davenport

we heard  you 
going down ... 
the river 
where the river 
starts to fall

we heard you all the way 
we heard you all the way 

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