Monday, 2 September 2019

lost cities

[[ Global warming, pollution, and how we will appear to archaeologists. ]]

lost city 
under the sand
under a mile of pretty shiny glittery bright empty things
under a mountain of things

lost city 
under the sea
under the waves of a north pole, south pole, melting, burning
under the rising waves

I could not say their names
I do not have the tongue

I would not say their names
for fear of raising ghosts

lost city 
under the sky
under a cloud that will never go, ever grow, never blow away
under a cloud of gray

lost city 
under the bones
under a dry lake of everything eaten that could ever be eaten
under a bed of bones

I could not say their names
I do not have the tongue

I would not say their names
for fear of raising ghosts

animal ghosts in animal voices

lost planet 
under a spell
whirled away, world whirling, 
whirled away, world whirling, 
whirled away, world whirling, 
whirled away, whirling away

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