Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Gone to Ontario

[[ Two brothers on opposite sides of the American civil war head up to a remote part of Canada for the duration. ]]

I would not raise a gun to my brother 
for the whole of the damned USA
so we're both heading up to Ontario
and keep each other out of harm's way

We will walk across the river at Niagara
where they've slung up the new suspension bridge
we'll ride out on the Great Western Railway
into the wilderness.

Maybe we'll live side by side with the Ojibwe.
Maybe we'll live on our own
Maybe we'll live on a boat on the bay
But I promise we'll live, 
and when the war ends, 
I promise we'll live and come home.

We could marry some girls of the wilderness
We could send off for brides in the mail
We could settle in the middle of nothing 
Or open an inn on the trail

Met a man said a place they call Lion's Head
Is half way between Equator and Pole
I think that's where we'll climb the escarpment
And watch the stars roll

give up the ghost

[[ What can this mean? The narrator's nervous system is haunted. ]]

give up the ghost

= = = = =

little ghost
I know you're in there

the light is soft

the tem-per-a-ture is 
in-ex-pli-ca-bly low

this sound is mind
this sound is mind
this sound is mind
this sound is mind

rest, little ghost

= = = = =

another day 
the little ghost returns

returns with little friends

each little ghost 
is in my spine

swim-ming in 
my spi-nal-flu-id

swimming through 
each after each

the rings of bone 
my vertebrae

a circus trick -
hop through the hoop

each after each

a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 

as if a school 
of little fish

each little ghost 
swims up my spine

and waits beneath 
the inland sea

open mouthed
open, close
oh oh oh oh

= = = = =

I clasp my hands 
and peek inside

another ghost is here

where have you been?

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Devil in the Detail

[[ A blues song about the actualities of figuratively selling your soul. The devil is an empty belly. ]]

There was a man selling whisky.
There was a man selling cigarettes.
There was a man selling fast cars.
There was a man handing out regrets, handing out regrets.

And what did I have?

I had these fingers.
I had this voice.
I had this guitar.
I had no choice.

There was a girl from across the roadway.
There was a woman in a dark saloon.
There was a woman consumed my heart
Under the moon, under the moon, under the moon.

And what did I have?

I had these fingers.
I had this voice.
I had this guitar.
I had no choice.

The devil is an empty belly.
The devil is sleeping on the floor.
The devil is working enough to get by.
The devil is being poor.

And what did I have?

I had these fingers.
I had this voice.
I had this guitar.
I had no choice.

There's a devil at the crossroads,
at every intersection,
when you leave home forever behind.

And if you find a Jesus,
if you ever find a Jesus,
you will find him in your bread and wine.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018


at midnight
of midnight
who has the password
to sleep?

boil water
on the fire
make tea
and see it steam.

the animal
awake with you --
eye back
the other eye.

Monday, 12 March 2018


Facebook says 
it's my birthday 
today, a Sunday. 

My pill organizer
also tells me
today is Sunday.

It's empty. Time 
to take stock and
fill up the week.

This one makes 
my blood thin.
I need just half.

This one slows 
my heartbeat:
thump. Thump.

This one skims 
the sticky fat
from the surface.

This one makes 
a stroke today
slightly less likely.

This one's only 
sour aspirin 
shaped like a heart.