Tuesday, 27 March 2018

give up the ghost

[[ What can this mean? The narrator's nervous system is haunted. ]]

give up the ghost

= = = = =

little ghost
I know you're in there

the light is soft

the tem-per-a-ture is 
in-ex-pli-ca-bly low

this sound is mind
this sound is mind
this sound is mind
this sound is mind

rest, little ghost

= = = = =

another day 
the little ghost returns

returns with little friends

each little ghost 
is in my spine

swim-ming in 
my spi-nal-flu-id

swimming through 
each after each

the rings of bone 
my vertebrae

a circus trick -
hop through the hoop

each after each

a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 
a ring of bone 

as if a school 
of little fish

each little ghost 
swims up my spine

and waits beneath 
the inland sea

open mouthed
open, close
oh oh oh oh

= = = = =

I clasp my hands 
and peek inside

another ghost is here

where have you been?

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