Sunday, 3 February 2019

the weight of the soul

[[ Weapons -- bullets, bombs, missiles -- and the technology of violence, the politics and philosophy of violence, the blinking out of life. And there was the famous (?) experiment in which someone claimed to weigh the human soul and came up with 21 grams. ]] 

how fast they move
these pieces of metal

how hard and sharp 
they make themselves known

the projection of power
is airtight, cylindrical, 
streamlined and modular

how small they seem 
these pieces of certainty

how they disintegrate
all understanding 

the end of it all 
has just crossed the border
and gone underground

how fast they die 
the cells of memory

how the mind blinks out
second by second

the weight of the soul
is the difference between
the body before and after

how small we seem
with no more certainty

how we disintegrate
past understanding

the end of it all 
has just crossed the border
and gone underground

the weight of the soul
is the difference between
the body before and after

we die surrounded,
surrounding, before and after,
feel the weight of the soul

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