Monday, 18 February 2019

bad air

[[ This started while reading  Ryszard Kapuściński, The Shadow of the Sun, where he describes the anxiety that comes with malaria. And wordplay: malaria as 'bad air' and even 'bad song'. ]]

a feeling of anxiety
I know no reason

I believe a curse 
has come upon me

I believe a spirit 
has entered me

I am fixed to earth
light is unbearable

the sound and smell 
the touch of others

I am cold as death 
and trembling  

hold me down with
all your weight

You can know nothing

[[ This started from two episodes in Ryszard Kapuściński, The Shadow of the Sun, and his description of how there is little in the way of twilight in Africa -- it is light and then BANG it is dark, and then, twelve hours later, BANG, it is light again. But I have let something of the ambiguous and possible hints of the metaphysical or epistemological creep into it. ]]

You can know nothing
before and after.

On the way to Kumase,
our bus stops somewhere.
A woman gathers to herself her children.
She rests her bowl upon her head
and walks into the trees.

You can know nothing
before and after.
When the sun comes up,
there is no prelude to rising.

This is the old adventure.

On the Serengeti,
our truck has a flat.
Lions rest round shreds of antelope.
They watch us half an hour, then rise
and walk into the grass.

You can know nothing
before and after.
When the sun goes down,
it is gone.

This is the old adventure.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

the song of a dove

[[ This started while reading  Ryszard Kapuściński , 'The Anatomy of a Coup d’État', in The Shadow of the Sun. ]]

A peaceful coup,
like the song of a dove,
and the man below
is the man above.

Today is Saturday;
we live in the future.
Today is Sunday;
we live in the past.

This is your signal, 
faithful five:
take them at midnight,
take them alive.

Today is Saturday;
we live in the future.
Today is Sunday;
we live in the past.

A coup must come at once 
from everywhere and silently.
A coup must come at once,
invisibly and deniably.

This is your signal 
at the waterfall:  
stop the five senses.
That is all.

It starts in IT 
on Saturday night.
It ends with pancakes 
at Mama's Delight.

Today is Saturday;
we live in the future.
Today is Sunday;
we live in the past.

...from everywhere and silently.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

where to begin

[[ The destination might be almost anywhere, but I was thinking of Africa, our origin  It started while reading Ryszard Kapuściński, 'The Beginning: Collision, Ghana, 1958', in The Shadow of the Sun. I like the contrast between travel in the old days, when a traveler grew accustomed to the destination on the way there, to travel now, when you hop into a pressurized plane this morning and hop out of the plane on the other side of the world this evening. Also, the typical conflation of all countries and cultures on the African continent into the monolithic 'Africa' of Hollywood. ]]

not the romantic sort,
this is no port-to-port
idyllic expedition

there is no getting used to it, no getting used to it

this is the cheap flight
sleep upright overnight
no acclimatization

there is no getting used to it, no getting used to it

you're still breathing 
your own atmosphere
when they open the aircraft 

find your way through 
strange customs, the frontier,
before you feel the first draft  

and you're out 
in a street
in the heat

this is where we all began, where we all begin 
this is where we strip away and get down to skin  

let's take shade under this tree 
and --  listen to me -- let the continent 
drift slowly away

how many
cultures, and
kings here?

start by ad-
mitting you
don't know a
thing here

welcome to here, 
welcome to here

one street in 
one city,
one nation 
traced out on 
a piece of earth
drifting slowly away

there is no getting used to it, no getting used to it
start by saying you don't know a thing

Monday, 11 February 2019

an evening of possibilities

[[ from a photo I saw -- New York City, 1943, with signs as described in the verses. This should be big band, jazz, a dance number in an old movie.  ]]

[[bridge, chorus, and other repetitive apparatus]]
night is coming
night is coming on
night is coming on for us all

this is an evening
of possibilities,
my friend

rain is falling
rain may stop right now
rain may fall forever on us all

we could go down
to the subway
where the parallel
rails never meet

we could walk on
in the rain
where the universe
shines in the street

let's share an umbrella

[[verse 1]]
See that sign?
"Johnnie Walker",
three stories high.
We could go buy
Johnnie Walker
and drink it tonight.
Three stories high,
my friend.

[[verse 2]]
See that sign?
"Saludos, Amigos"
on the marquee?
We could watch
the dancing alpaca,
we could snort
at 'Lake Titicaca',
my friend.

[[verse 3]]
See that sign?
"The Human Comedy"
larger than life.
we could enjoy
the Human Comedy
I can't promise you
Andy Hardy tonight,
my friend.

Sunday, 3 February 2019

the weight of the soul

[[ Weapons -- bullets, bombs, missiles -- and the technology of violence, the politics and philosophy of violence, the blinking out of life. And there was the famous (?) experiment in which someone claimed to weigh the human soul and came up with 21 grams. ]] 

how fast they move
these pieces of metal

how hard and sharp 
they make themselves known

the projection of power
is airtight, cylindrical, 
streamlined and modular

how small they seem 
these pieces of certainty

how they disintegrate
all understanding 

the end of it all 
has just crossed the border
and gone underground

how fast they die 
the cells of memory

how the mind blinks out
second by second

the weight of the soul
is the difference between
the body before and after

how small we seem
with no more certainty

how we disintegrate
past understanding

the end of it all 
has just crossed the border
and gone underground

the weight of the soul
is the difference between
the body before and after

we die surrounded,
surrounding, before and after,
feel the weight of the soul

Saturday, 2 February 2019

get out of this night

[[ escaping the immediate (literal) or escaping life (figurative) ]]

I'm only trying to get a taxi out of here
I'm only trying to make myself disappear
I'm only trying to leave this city behind
Before I catch that ride
I need to get out of this night

I'm only searching for a crosstown bus
I'm only searching for a way out of us
I'm only trying to leave my trouble behind
Before I catch that ride
I need to get out of this night

I can't walk any further
I can't walk any further
I can't walk any further
someone get me out of here
someone carry me away from here

I'm only hoping for a ride from a friend
I'm only hoping for this whole thing to end
I'm only trying to leave this world behind
Before I catch that ride
I need to get out of this night

intentional love song 14: your eyes are like your eyes

[[ no metaphor, no simile, just what it is: your eyes are like your eyes ]]

love is not something it is not

simple love
no metaphor
no simile
what is it for

but to say your eyes
are not your eyes

simple love
no metaphor
no simile
what is it for

but to say your skin
is not your skin

your eyes are like 
your eyes are like
your eyes are like 
your eyes...

your eyes collect the light and turn it into thought